Constellations – Butler Little Theatre


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An explosive play about the boundless potential of a first encounter, free will, and friendship. Constellations is a spellbinding love story about an unlikely romance between Roland, a beekeeper, and Marianne, a physicist. After a chance encounter at a barbecue brings them together, the possibility of a spark seems unlikely, but what happens next defies the limits of our understanding of time and space. Constellations explores how even the smallest change in our lives can dramatically alter the course we take. It is a spellbinding exploration of love, science, quantum theory, and infinite possibilities.

The show runs February 16-24, except Monday. Ticket are $15. Get tickets.

Content Note: Adult Language, Adult Situations


Curtain Times

Constellations Critics’ Reviews

“A stirring love story with infinite possibilities.” Helen Meany, The Guardian

“Who knew that higher physics could be so sexy, so accessible — and so emotionally devastating?” Ben Brantley, The New York Times

“Short and sweet and strangely haunting.” Marilyn Stasio, Variety

“Constellations illustrates all the might-have-beens in the time-space continuum.” Deborah Wilker, The Hollywood Reporter